Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sway like dha bitch

We always fall the one that are complicated, attached, cold and attitude.

Whats wrong with the world? What is the problem now? What is not good about falling head over heels with the one that pampers you, loves you, needs you and most importantly, wants to take good care of you and protect you? Are we all under a curse of eternity that we all have to pursue stuff, people, things that we will never get. Is there a lesson behind this evil 'curse'? If so, what are we suppose to learn?

He who does not even care if im suffering is the one im worried about, thinking of and yearning for.

He who sees me more important than life got no care, no love and no promises from me.

I sometimes do feel guilty that I once used Q to get back at L. I was actually happy that the fact that L got more interested in me after i announced to him that i wana consider Q. I know, i'm a sick bitch i deserved to be shot in the head. I thought i can just use Q to get L, then dump both of them. But, Q is just so damn nice to me and i would be ducking lying through my teeth if i said im not moved.

If a guy....
Travel twice from AMK to CCK just because you want have comapany
Rushed down to CCK from Raffles cuz you want to have supper
Gave you 100bucks with no conditions cuz you've got no money to eat
Willing to help you get the guy you like though he loves you
Gave you his netbook cuz your laptop looks too heavy
Remind you constantly even on facebook to drink water cuz he's afraid you'll forget that you NEED to drink more water
NEVER smokes when you are around, not even smell of smoke when he meet you cuz he knew you dont like the smell.
Tells you he is just as happy to treat you good because he loves you
Never expects anything from you although he did all of the above
Say that if missing and thinking of you means getting headaches, its still worth it
Never afraid that you'll ill treat him, just afrard that he cant give you enough
Do not want you to change.
Doesnt want to rush you for answers and decisions.

If you met a guy like this, would fall in love? I would, if i hadn't gone through so much shit from relationships and men.

Monday, November 2, 2009


I so happy that i dont get upset for long. BUT! My happy moments can last up to a week. NICE! Happy people are pretty, i am pretty and happy!


No idea, just felt contented out of a sudden =)

Nobody is ugly, its just that you havent fount someone that appreciates your beauty.

Feeling beautiful yet? Go find that someone!